Online Donations

Now You Can Donate Online!

Click Here to Give Online

For added convenience, it is now possible to donate to First Baptist Church Reeltown online. 

Why Online Giving?

People are becoming more and more connected and dependent on the internet these days. Most homes have at least one computer (usually several) and internet access. Many are already banking and paying bills online. A lot of people use financial software programs such as Quicken, or online tools for financial management like Mint. All of these make managing our financial lives much more convenient. Why not add that flexibility and convenience to tithing? For most there are at least a few occasions throughout the year that attending on Sunday isn't possible, so this feature makes it possible to continue supporting the ministry and being faithful to scripture when that happens.

Is It Safe?

Like your bank, the company that provides the online donation service for FBCR takes strong precautions for the security of your data by using encryption. The name of the company is EasyTithe. Many churches and non-profit organizations are using this service safely and securely.

What Forms Of Payment Are Acceptable?

You may donate using a Debit Card, a Check Card, Visa, or Mastercard. Note: FBCR does not encourage the use of credit cards.